The tournament will be played with the following rule set:
• Rounds: 30 (Thirty) Rounds (Max Rounds 15 (Fifteen) Format) – 15 (Fifteen)
Rounds as Terrorists and 15 (Fifteen) Rounds as Counter-Terrorists per team
• Victory Condition: The first team to win 16 (Sixteen) rounds. (If a team scores 16
(Sixteen) rounds first, the match is ended immediately.)
• Round Time: 1:45 Minutes
• The team playing as the Terrorist side first will be announced before the match or decided by coin toss.
• In the case of a tie after the regulation rounds end, 6 (six) extra rounds will be played. (3 (Three) Rounds as
Terrorists / 3 (Three) Rounds as Counter-Terrorists per team). Victory condition is the first team to win 4 (four) rounds. (If a team scores 4 (four) rounds first, the match is ended immediately.)
• Extra Round restart money: $10,000
• In the case of yet another tie after the 6 (Six) extra Rounds, as stated above, 6
(Six) additional extra Rounds will be played until the tie is broken