Virtus | |
20 inlägg
Skicka PM |
Hey everyone. I am planning an unofficial tournament in World of Warcraft, on our Funrealm called Freja. Primarily it will be 1on1, 2on2 tournaments in our realm Freja, everyone comming to NX will get a free character, lvl 70, full T6 armor with everything you can dream off, all the endgame items are avalible from merchants in major cities, we have no dates/times yet, but naturally our tournaments will not affect the official NX tournaments, but held during the day when people are just playing for fun. Another idea could be (Boss slaughter) I'm planning to get some T-shirts and stickers made as prices to the winners in our Splashgame WoW Tournaments :) Miss em ol bbs days |
Limpo | |
Crew NitroXy 18 Crew NitroXy 20 222 inlägg
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Nice :) A good tournamet! "A Handicap parking sign does not signify that this spot is for handicapped people. It is actually in fact a warning, that the spot belongs to Chuck Norris and that you will be handicapped if you park there." |
Chris | |
Crew NitroXy 4 Crew NitroXy 6 Crew NitroXy 8 Crew NitroXy 9 Crew NitroXy 10 Crew NitroXy 11 Crew NitroXy 12 Crew NitroXy 13 Crew NitroXy 14 Crew NitroXy 15 Crew NitroXy 16 Crew NitroXy 17 Crew NitroXy 18 Crew NördtroXy NX7-Crew 1422 inlägg
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Sounds great Virtus, I'm really glad you are coming. :) "As long as Man continues to be the ruthless destroyer of lower living beings he will never know health or peace. For as long as men massacre animals, they will kill each other. Indeed, he who sows the seed of murder and pain cannot reap joy and love." |
cxQ | |
13 inlägg
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I vote for a 2 vs 2 tournament. It will be fun. Cant wait ZOMG ÜBERPALADIN! |
ResQ | |
![]() 41 inlägg
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As a winner of last years WoW tournament im really looking forward too more WoW activities. Go go go! |
Hawak | |
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Sweet, you can count me in on this Tournament Why not 3v3 and 5v5 aswell? =) No matter how fast we go, or no matter how many hits we take, I shall never spill my tea! |
cxQ | |
13 inlägg
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Because of the lack of teams, 2 vs 2 = alot of teams. ZOMG ÜBERPALADIN! |
Virtus | |
20 inlägg
Skicka PM |
We can have and manage LARGE 200 man raids.. so.. no problem.. :) You want 100 vs 100.. let's do it :p Miss em ol bbs days |
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